Highland Rim -- Bridgestone Crit

May 8, 2005

 Rider Team Place Field
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Cat 1 
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Cat 3 
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Cat 1 
  Mark Hekman: 6th, Cat 1
Mark Hekman
This was a fast crit with some fast mo-fos in it. I sat in for about 50 minutes of the 60. I managed to snag one prime from the field. A break of 4 went early and they were gone. I mangaged to sneak off the front late in the race with two others and we stayed away for the remainder. This was a good crit course and a good way to end a fun weekend of racing.
  Jim Matson: 27th, Cat 3
Jim Matson
Hey watch your line! I know the road narrows but there's no reason to come slamming into me.

Early on I grabbed a preme. All the corners but the last were pretty good. The road narrowed at one point going from about 30' across to about 12 and caused people to be all over the place. Cat 3's really need to take some hints from the 1/2's and string it out instead of bunching up.

I had one guy bump me quite a bit harder then the normal crit taps. About 2 laps later someone smacked my rear wheel pretty hard (I can't believe it's still true). With 4 laps to go I was moving into position and getting Mike into place, and again going through that same narrowing area, this time I get run entirely off the road and have to do some cyclo cross. I go from 10th to somewhere around 30th. I have no idea if anyone was coming up when I hopped back onto the road but if they were they were getting run over because now I was HOT! After pushing hard and bullying my way back up to 10th or so on the last lap entering the last turn, Mike is just ahead of me on the right and has 3 guys to his left. The guy right next to him goes sliding across the road taking out 3 or 4 other guys. I ended up doing nose wheelie into the hay bale, thus ending a miserable day of crit riding.
  Ryan Gamm: Field, Cat 1
Ryan Gamm
Atleast somethings never change: i was diving thru gaps that were 1 cm wider than my bars and freaking people out so much that I was getting yelled at, HAHAHAHAH!!!! if only everyone didnt value thier own saftey!!!!

Hekman was the man today, Riding home with Rish and Swain was really fun, ask Rish to tell you the clown story sometimes, he had me tearing up it was so funny