Sugar Grove Grand Prix

May 14, 2005

 Rider Team Place Field
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 4-5 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 1-2-3 
  Shawn Jonas: 6th, Cat 4-5
Shawn Jonas
I have always had a love hate relationship with this race. I have finished 4th and dead last at this event. The race started out really fast, actually a lot faster than I expected. On the first lap around we were able to drop at least ten guys off the back. Finally I was in a great break away group that was willing to work together. I stayed up front the entire day and watched everything. Team Rockey had four guys in my group and I knew they were setting something up for the end. I had no one to help me so I just had to wait. We came to the rollers before the big, well semi big climb and they started hammering. We hit the base of the major climb and one of their guys rockets off the left, I was trapped on the right surrounded by three of their men. I chased on the descent but yet again it was too late. I could see the winner down the road the rest of the race. I tried to take a flyer before the bridge and before the final stretch hoping to get a big enough gap for second but they were on my wheel like glue. I came to the sprint and well I am not a sprinter so I got sixth. Not a bad result for 5 in a 4/5 race.
  Chris Fisher: Mechanical, Cat 1-2-3
Chris Fisher
I do not think that I am suposed to race this year. Out of four races I have had two flats, one broken chain, and one finish. This race did not feel too bad. Did not have the zip in the flats that I would have liked. Anyway I flatted a few miles from the finish. Normally I would have finished on the flat tire, but I had to go over and down a big hill, and it was just easier to turn around and ride back the other way.