Mid-Ohio Grand Prix

March 26, 2005

 Rider Team Place Field
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 1-2-3 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 1-2-3 
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Women 1-2-3-4 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 3-4 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 3-4 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 3-4 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 3-4 
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Cat 1-2-3 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 1-2-3 
  Mike Stubna: 5th, Cat 1-2-3
Mike Stubna
This race definitely had a fast pace right from the start. SHC put in many attacks --- one from at least everybody on our team in the 3-4 field. It was great to have that much support out there, and I think it definitely served to wear the opposition down.

None of the small breaks managed to stay away, until about 3 laps remaining. As we were riding up the hill, I had a good position near the front of the group and was passed by a couple of guys who sprinted past on their way up to the top of the hill. They were followed a little later by a few more guys. I was unsure whether to jump on or not and then from somewhere in the main group I hear a voice yelling "MIKE . . . GO!!". And I was thinking that it sounded like Larry. So I took his great advice and jumped also and ended up in the 4 man break that managed to hang on till the end. We were briefly caught by the main group, but good work by Blair and others (I think) to shut down the pace and let the break get away.

We were bridged up to and easily passed by Paul Martin who got 1st, but it came down to a sprint between the remaining 4 of us . . . sorry to say that I came in last in that sprint, but I just didn't have it in me to do better at that point . . . I had spent a lot of time off the front earlier.

Alot of fun, besides the few seconds where I almost managed to entangle my bars with Joe and cause a crash . . . rookie mistake. Thanks to Will for the great pre-race pep talk (he reminded me of the handicapped coach from the movie Dodgeball*), and thanks to the team members for great support and teamwork.

* if you haven't seen this movie, don't bother, it sucked.
  Larry Pesyna: Field, Cat 3-4
Larry Pesyna
This was a tough race, as I expected it to be. I was happy just to finish. Still, it was a lot of fun, though a little harrowing, especially after catching the 4/5 field, the women, masters, a few sports cars, some amish buggies and a Lazarus red tag sale. Seems we had a group of about 7 or 8 hundred going through the turns and only about 30 of them were in our race. Mercifully we were able to complete the last 8 laps without that distraction.

The inevitable catch by the 123 field never happened, possibly due to our pace that never really let up for any measureable length of time. I didn't know this until the end so I had no idea who we were racing with. I assumed that there were some elites in our group, but I'm not really good at identifying who is who. My account of what happened is that with about three laps to go someone jumped from the outside, quickly. Even if I wasn't in the middle of the pack I wouldn't have had it in me to match his acceleration. I hear a couple guys say "there he goes" and I surmise that this is an elite and his move is decisive. I believe that this was Paul Martin. I see Mike up front right where the guy is flying by so I yelled at him to go, in no uncertain terms. He reacted right away but it looked like he missed his chance as he already had a gap but Mike was able to bridge and hang on. A couple of others made the bridge, making about five up the road. The field chased the break down but all that happened was the makeup of the breakaway changed slightly while they powered off the front, still with five guys, and stayed away the rest of the race.

Mike did a great job, especially since he had already taken several solo flyers throughout the race.
  Joe "Barefoot" Bonnell: Field, Cat 3-4
Joe "Barefoot" Bonnell
I was able to hang in for 13 of 20 laps, but my fitness is still far from where it needs to be to finish with the pack - forget about a high placing. I do enjoy racing on a track where its always possible to move up if you have the legs. What a great finish for Iron Mike Stubna the Cindarella Story of 2005!
  Jim Matson: Field, Cat 3-4
Jim Matson
Not really sure where I ended up in the end. I know I picked up about 10 spots on the sprint after a failed last lap attack.

Felt pretty good although the constant up & down really work on you. I think I just put in 1 too many attacks earlier in the race. I really have to learn to just sit in.
  Craig Smith: Field, Cat 3-4
Craig Smith
This was my first experience in a Cat 3/4 race since the recent upgrade, so I was a bit nervous. SH controlled the tempo from the very beginning and never let up. Every lap it seemed as though we had a guy off the front. I tried to do my part and attack a few times myself, but the tough 2 mile course wore on me as the laps added. Overall this was a great race and I learned alot. Hats off to all the guys for a great effort.
  Tim Swain: DNF, Cat 1-2-3
Tim Swain

Mid-Ohio was a tough race, the hills were tougher then I anticipated! The course was great and its always a good time when I'm riding with Grimm! That guy is unbelievable, a great bike rider.
Congratulations to the 3-4 guys they did really well. Hopefully I won't see anymore DNFs on this result page but I wouldn't put it past me.
  Jeremy Grimm: DNF, Cat 1-2-3
Jeremy Grimm
Great day for a race! Felt good at the start but my power kept getting weaker as the race went on. Hope I will be able to finish a race sometime soon! Good to hear all the Savage Hill racers cheering each other on!

FMI: Mono since 3/9 Found out 3/31

Please Lord keep everyone else healthy and help me to be patient.

Thank you Jesus!